7 Best Lower Ab Workouts For Women (Insanely Effective)

Picture this: You’re rocking your favorite outfit, feeling confident and unstoppable. What’s missing? Oh, just those toned lower abs to complete the look!

Whether you’re a fitness newbie or a seasoned gym-goer, we’re here to explore exercises that will help you sculpt and define that area.

So, grab your water bottle, crank up your favorite tunes, and get ready to unleash the power of your lower abs. It’s time to work towards those strong, beautiful curves that make you feel like the goddess you truly are! Let’s do this, ladies!

Best Lower Ab Workout For Women:

women doing abs workout

Here’s the fun part: Incorporating a variety of exercises to target those lower abs from all angles. We’re not just talking about endless crunches here (although they have their place!). We’re talking about mixing it up with exercises like leg raises, reverse crunches, and planks.

By hitting the lower abs from different angles, we’re challenging those muscles in new and exciting ways, leading to better definition and strength.

Here’re some lower ab workouts that can give you incredible results in a short amount of time.. Note that these are perfect for both beginners or pro workout enthusiasts.

1. Tabletop Crunch:

Table cross crunches are a dynamic core exercise that targets the lower abs and obliques. By combining a twisting motion with a crunching movement, this exercise engages multiple muscle groups in the core, helping to strengthen and tone the midsection while improving stability and balance.

Sets & Reps: 3 sets of 12 to 15 very slow, deliberate reps.

tabletop crunch 1
tabletop crunch 2

How to perform:

  • Lie flat on your back on a mat or a comfortable surface.
  • Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.
  • Place your hands behind your head or extend them straight alongside your body.
  • Engage your core muscles by pulling your navel towards your spine.
  • Lift your shoulders and upper back slightly off the ground, keeping your lower back pressed into the mat.
  • Exhale as you crunch upwards, aiming to bring your shoulder blades off the ground.
  • Hold the crunch position for a moment, then slowly lower back down with control.
  • Repeat the crunch movement for a desired number of repetitions.

2. Pike + Ab Squeeze:

Get ready to feel the burn with the Pike + Ab Squeeze workout! This exercise combo targets your entire core, including those hard-to-reach lower abs. By combining a pike movement with an ab squeeze, you’ll strengthen your core muscles and sculpt a defined midsection.

Sets and Reps: 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

pike with ab squeeze workout 1

Starting Position: Begin in a plank position, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body forming a straight line from head to heels.

Pike Movement: Engage your core and lift your hips up towards the ceiling, bringing your body into an inverted “V” shape.

Ab Squeeze: At the top of the pike position, contract your abs and pull your knees towards your chest, squeezing your abs tight.

Return to Plank: Slowly lower your hips back down to the starting plank position, maintaining control and stability.

3. Spider Crunches:

Ready to unleash your inner superhero? Spider crunches are here to save the day! This dynamic exercise not only targets your abs but also gives your obliques a workout. Get ready to feel strong, empowered, and totally awesome as you conquer this exercise!

Sets and Reps: 3 sets of 10-12 reps of each leg

spider plank 1
spider plank 2

Starting Position: Begin in a plank position, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body forming a straight line from head to heels.

Knee to Elbow: Bring your right knee towards your right elbow, aiming to touch them together underneath your body.

Crunch Motion: As you bring your knee to your elbow, crunch your abs and round your back slightly, engaging your core muscles.

Return to Plank: Slowly extend your right leg back to the plank position, maintaining control and stability.

Switch Sides: Repeat the movement on the opposite side, bringing your left knee towards your left elbow while crunching your abs.

Alternate: Continue to alternate sides, performing the spider crunch motion with each rep, aiming for a smooth and controlled movement.

4. V Hold Knee Tucks:

This exercise targets your lower abs, upper abs, and hip flexors, giving you a total core workout. It’s like giving your abs a big hug while saying, “You got this!” So, let’s dive in and feel the burn together!

Sets & Reps: 10-20 reps of knee tucks for 3 set

V Hold Knee Tucks 1
V Hold Knee Tucks 2

Starting Position: Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and your hands placed on the ground beside your hips for support.

Lift into V Hold: Lean back slightly, lift your legs off the ground, and balance on your sit bones, forming a “V” shape with your body.

Knee Tuck Motion: Engage your core and slowly bring your knees towards your chest, crunching your abs as you lift your legs.

Squeeze and Hold: At the top of the movement, squeeze your abs tight and hold for a moment to maximize the contraction.

Extend Legs: Slowly extend your legs back out to the starting “V” position, maintaining control and stability.

5. Leg Drop to Crunch:

Let’s spice up our ab routine with Leg Drop to Crunch! This exercise is a double whammy for your core, targeting both your lower and upper abs. It’s like a dance move for your abs – fun, effective, and totally worth it! Get ready to feel the burn and see those abs pop!

Sets & Reps: 3 Sets of 10 to 16 Repetitions

Starting Position: Lie flat on your back with your legs extended straight up towards the ceiling and your arms by your sides.

Leg Drop: Slowly lower your legs towards the ground, keeping them straight and engaging your lower abs to control the movement.

Crunch Motion: As your legs lower, simultaneously lift your upper body off the ground, reaching your hands towards your feet in a crunching motion.

Meet in the Middle: At the bottom of the movement, your legs and upper body should meet in the middle, forming a “V” shape.

Return to Starting Position: Slowly reverse the movement, bringing your legs back up towards the ceiling and lowering your upper body back to the ground.

6. Stability Ball Rollout

Sets & Reps: 3 sets of 5-10 reps

How to perform:

Starting Position: Kneel on the floor with the stability ball in front of you and your hands resting on top of the ball.

Engage Core: Brace your core muscles to stabilize your spine and maintain proper alignment throughout the movement.

Roll Out: Slowly roll the stability ball forward, extending your arms and walking your hands out as far as you can while keeping your core engaged.

Maintain Control: Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels as you roll out, avoiding any arching or sagging in your back.

Roll Back In: Use your core muscles to pull the stability ball back towards you, returning to the starting position with control.

7. Scissor Kicks

Get ready to feel the burn with Scissor Kicks! This classic ab exercise is simple yet effective, targeting your lower abs and hip flexors. It’s like a mini dance party for your core muscles – fun, energizing, and oh-so-effective. So, let’s kick it into high gear and rock those scissors!

How to Perform:

Sets & Reps: 2 or 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions

Starting Position: Lie flat on your back with your hands under your hips for support and your legs extended straight out in front of you.

Engage Core: Brace your core muscles to stabilize your spine and maintain proper alignment throughout the movement.

Alternate Leg Movements: Lift one leg up towards the ceiling while lowering the other leg towards the ground, keeping both legs straight.

Switch Legs: Quickly switch the position of your legs, lifting the opposite leg towards the ceiling while lowering the other leg towards the ground.

Keep It Controlled: Focus on controlled movements, avoiding any jerky or swinging motions with your legs.

Breathe: Remember to breathe steadily throughout the exercise, exhaling as you lift your legs and inhaling as you lower them.

Final Words:

Remember, while lower abs workouts are key, the real magic happens in the kitchen. Proper nutrition is crucial for seeing results. However, it’s essential to tailor your nutrition to your individual metabolic requirements. So, fuel your body right and watch those lower abs shine!

15 minute lower abs workout for women

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