The Best Armpit Fat Workout For Women (Get Insane Result Fast)

Last week, one of my clients, Sarah, came to me feeling self-conscious about her armpit area. She felt like no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get rid of that pesky bulge.

Sarah isn’t alone. Many women feel the same way. They wear sleeveless tops and feel uncomfortable or avoid them altogether.

So many of my clients often ask me, “How can I get rid of this stubborn armpit fat?” I know how frustrating it can be.

But here’s the good news: with the right workouts, you can target that stubborn armpit fat and feel more confident in your skin. I’ve seen it happen countless times.

get rid of armpit fat

Busy moms and housewives, with their endless to-do lists, often feel they don’t have the time or energy to tackle this issue. They want quick, effective solutions that fit into their hectic lives.

So, if you’re tired of feeling self-conscious about your armpit area, keep reading. I’ll guide you through a series of workouts designed specifically to help you tone and tighten this tricky spot.

These exercises are quick, easy to follow, and perfect for fitting into a busy schedule. Get ready to say goodbye to armpit fat and hello to a more confident you!

What is Armpit Fat and What are the Key Reasons for Developing It?

armpit fat of women

Armpit fat, often referred to as “bra bulge,” is the excess fat that accumulates between the upper arm and the chest area. This can create a noticeable bulge, especially when wearing certain types of clothing like sleeveless tops or fitted bras.

While it’s a common concern for many women, understanding the causes can help in addressing it more effectively.

Key Reasons for Developing Armpit Fat

  1. Genetics: Genetics play a significant role in determining where your body stores fat. If your family members tend to have fat accumulation in the armpit area, you might be more prone to it as well.
  2. Body Weight and Fat Distribution: Overall body weight and fat percentage significantly influence the development of armpit fat. Higher body fat levels can lead to fat storage in various areas, including the armpits.
  3. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, especially those related to menopause, pregnancy, or menstrual cycles, can affect fat distribution. Changes in estrogen levels can lead to increased fat storage in specific areas.
  4. Muscle Tone: Lack of muscle tone in the upper body, particularly the chest, shoulders, and arms, can make armpit fat more noticeable. Strengthening these muscles can help create a more toned appearance and reduce the prominence of fat in the area.
  5. Posture: Poor posture can accentuate the appearance of armpit fat. Slouching can cause the skin and underlying fat to fold in a way that makes the bulge more prominent. Maintaining good posture can help reduce the appearance of armpit fat.
  6. Aging: As we age, our skin loses elasticity and muscle mass tends to decrease. This natural process can lead to the appearance of loose skin and fat accumulation in areas like the armpits.

Addressing armpit fat involves a combination of overall fat loss, targeted exercises to tone the upper body, and lifestyle changes such as improving posture. Understanding the underlying causes can guide you towards more effective solutions.

The Best Exercises For Armpit Fat Lose:

bra bulge issue of women

So, what are the best exercises for underarm fat that likes to hover right in our underarms?

Well, the following exercises are your go-to! Combine them with good eating habits and lifestyle choices for killer results. Flaunt those toned upper arms, underarms, and chest effortlessly!

1. Pushup

Push Ups are great exercises to burn fat from your armpit quickly. They target multiple muscles, including those around your armpits.

Moreover, they effectively engage the chest, shoulders, and triceps, which can help reduce armpit fat.

Regularly doing pushups can tone and strengthen the muscles in your underarms, leading to a firmer appearance. These exercises also improve overall upper body strength and endurance.

Here’re the steps to follow:

pushup exercise for armpit fat
  • Start in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core muscles.
  • Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your body.
  • Stop when your chest is just above the ground or as low as you can comfortably go.
  • Push back up to the starting position by straightening your arms.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, aiming for at least 10 to 15 reps to start.

2. Wide Fly Workout

The wide fly workout is a fantastic exercise to target and reduce armpit fat. By focusing on the chest, shoulders, and upper back muscles, this exercise helps tone and tighten the area around your armpits.

It’s simple to do and can be performed with dumbbells or resistance bands. Incorporate this move into your routine to see noticeable improvements!

How to Do the Wide Fly Workout:

widefly 1
wide fly 2

Prepare Your Space

  • Choose a clear, flat area with enough room to extend your arms.
  • Have a pair of light to moderate dumbbells or resistance bands ready.

Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms by your sides. Slightly bend your knees for stability.

Engage Your Core: Tighten your core muscles to maintain good posture and balance.

Lift Your Arms: Raise your arms out to the sides until they are level with your shoulders. Keep a slight bend in your elbows to avoid strain.

Form a T-Shape: Your body should form a T-shape, with your arms fully extended but not locked. Slowly lower your arms back to the starting position. Focus on controlling the movement, not just letting gravity pull your arms down.

Breathing: Inhale as you lift your arms. Exhale as you lower them.

Repetitions: Aim for 10-15 repetitions per set. Perform 2-3 sets depending on your fitness level.

3. Bicep Curl:

Bicep curls are one of the best simple exercises that can help reduce excess fat in your underarm area. While bicep curls primarily target the biceps, they also engage the muscles in the upper arms and shoulders.

Note that, for this exercise you need to have a pair of dumbbells or a resistance band.

Here is how to do a bicep curl:

bicep curl 1
bicep curl 2
  • Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended down by your sides, palms facing forward.
  • Keep your core engaged and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Slowly lift one dumbbell towards your shoulder by bending your elbow, keeping your upper arm stationary.
  • Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement with the other arm.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

4. Upright Row:

Upright rows primarily target the muscles in the shoulders, upper back, and arms. It can contribute to a more sculpted appearance, potentially reducing the visibility of armpit fat over time.

Here’re the step by step guideline:

upright raw 1
upright raw 2
  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs with an overhand grip, hands slightly closer than shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your core engaged and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Lift the weight straight up towards your chin by bending your elbows and keeping them higher than your wrists.
  • Keep the weight close to your body as you lift, focusing on squeezing your shoulder muscles at the top of the movement.
  • Lower the weight back down to the starting position with control.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, aiming for at least 10 to 15 reps to start.

5. Dumbbell Chest Press:

The dumbbell chest presses are beneficial for boosting upper body strength and saying goodbye to underarm fat. As we get older, especially women often need a hand in beefing up their upper bodies.

The stronger our arms are, the better off we are health-wise and the more self-sufficient we become.

dumbbell chest press 1
dumbbell chest press 2
  • Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, positioned at chest level, palms facing away from you.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and your lower back pressed against the bench for stability.
  • Push the dumbbells straight up towards the ceiling, fully extending your arms while exhaling.
  • Pause briefly at the top of the movement, focusing on squeezing your chest muscles.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to chest level while inhaling, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, aiming for at least 10 to 15 reps to start.

6. Dumbbell Pullover:

dumbbell pullover 1
dumbbell pullover 2
dumbbell chest press 3
  • Lie down on a flat bench with only your upper back and shoulders resting on the surface.
  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands directly above your chest, arms extended and palms facing each other.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and your core engaged for stability.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbell back behind your head while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
  • Continue lowering the weight until you feel a stretch in your chest and shoulders, but be careful not to overextend.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement, then slowly raise the dumbbell back to the starting position.
  • Keep your movements controlled and focus on engaging the muscles in your chest, back, and arms throughout the exercise.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, aiming for at least 10 to 15 reps to start.

7. Tricep Dips:

tricpe dip 1
tricep dip 2

Dumbbell dips are a fantastic exercise for targeting the muscles in the triceps and chest, but they also engage the muscles around the armpit area, contributing to a more toned and sculpted appearance.

  • Sit on the edge of a bench with your hands placed on either side of your hips, fingers gripping the edge of the bench.
  • Slide your hips forward off the bench, supporting your body weight with your arms.
  • Keep your legs extended straight out in front of you or bend them at the knees for a modified version.
  • Lower your body down by bending your elbows, keeping them pointed back and close to your body.
  • Lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the ground or as low as you can comfortably go.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement, then push yourself back up to the starting position by straightening your arms.

Cardio for Fat Burning:

You should also do some regular cardio that helps to reduce overall fat as well as underarm flab. Cardio helps to lose overall body fat by increasing your heart rate and breathing rate, which boosts calorie burn. This calorie burn comes from stored fat as well as carbohydrates in your body.

Over time, consistent cardio sessions can lead to a reduction in fat stores throughout your entire body, resulting in a leaner physique.

Choose one of these Cardio Activities:

Walking (Briskly)
Spin bike
Jump rope

Do your cardio activity 5-7 days per week, switching it up often.

workout for armpit fat

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