How to Avoid Gaining Weight on Vacation? (7 Simple Rules)

Vacations are a time to relax, explore, and enjoy. But if you’re like many busy moms, housewives, and women juggling multiple roles, you know how easy it is to let healthy habits slide during a getaway.

Picture this: you’re on a beautiful beach, the sun is shining, and you’re sipping on a tropical cocktail. Sounds perfect, right? Until you realize that all those extra calories are starting to add up.

I’ve been there. I’ve seen many of my clients come back from vacation feeling bloated and frustrated with their weight gain.

But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be this way. In this article, I’m going to share some practical tips to help you enjoy your vacation without packing on the pounds. Let’s dive in!

women on vacation

How to Avoid Gaining Weight on Holidays?

1. Snack Wisely

women taking food in the outside

One of the easiest ways to sabotage your diet on vacation is by mindlessly snacking. Airports, road trips, and even lounging by the pool often come with the temptation of unhealthy snacks. Instead, opt for healthier options like fruits, nuts, and yogurt.

I recommend following the “80/20 Rule”. This means, eat fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins 80% of the time and indulge for 20%.

Research shows that snacking on high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables can help keep you full and reduce overall calorie intake.

I always pack some apples, carrot sticks, cucumber slices with hummus, organic beef jerky, and a small bag of almonds for those moments when hunger strikes.

Tips: Consider carrying a cool lunch box with an ice pack and load all those things on a road trip.

2. Sip Enough Water

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when you’re on the go. Not only does water keep you refreshed, but it also helps control your appetite. Sometimes, our bodies mistake thirst for hunger, leading us to eat more than we need.

According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism ,Drinking water can increase your metabolism by up to 30% for about 30 to 40 minutes.

Carry a reusable water bottle with you and make it a habit to sip throughout the day. If plain water isn’t your thing, try adding a slice of lemon or cucumber for a bit of flavor.

3. Take Some Exercise with Your Friends and Families

women doing exercise in hotel gym

Vacation time doesn’t mean you have to skip your workout. In fact, it can be a great opportunity to get active with your loved ones. Go for a hike, take a swim, or rent bikes and explore your surroundings.

If you’re in a hotel room during your vacation time, you should do some exercises to stay fit and It’s easier than you might think. Here are some practical tips:

Use the Hotel Gym: If your hotel has a gym, take advantage of it. Even a short 20-30 minute workout can make a big difference. Focus on cardio machines like treadmills or bikes and add some weight training.

me at a hotel gym
An old picture of mine in a hotel gym 🙂

Go for a Walk: Explore the area around your hotel. Walking is a great way to stay active and discover new places. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day.

Room Workouts: No equipment? No problem! You can do a variety of exercises right in your room. Try a routine that includes jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, and planks. These exercises get your heart rate up and strengthen muscles.

Stretch and Yoga: Use your room space to do some stretching or yoga. It’s a great way to stay flexible and relax your muscles after a day of travel.

Stair Climbing: Skip the elevator and take the stairs. This simple activity can burn calories and strengthen your legs.

When you make exercise a fun group activity, it hardly feels like work at all. Plus, you’ll be making memories while staying fit!

4. Get Plenty of Sleep

It might be tempting to stay up late and wake up early to make the most of your vacation, but skimping on sleep can lead to weight gain. Lack of sleep disrupts the hormones that control hunger, making you more likely to overeat.

A study in the National Library of Medicine found that, sleep deprivation can reduce fat loss by up to 55%. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to keep your metabolism and hunger hormones in check.

A good night’s sleep will also leave you feeling more energized and ready to enjoy your vacation.

5. Keep Meals Balanced with Protein

Protein is your best friend when it comes to feeling full and satisfied. Including a good source of protein in every meal can help you avoid overeating. Whether it’s eggs for breakfast, grilled chicken for lunch, or fish for dinner, make sure you’re getting enough protein.

So, enjoy that grilled seafood platter or a delicious omelet to keep those cravings at bay.

Tip: A little tip about a balanced diet on the go, is to order fish or chicken in the restaurant. They contain lean protein which is high in protein and low in calories and saturated fat.

6. Avoid Processed Foods

processed foods

Processed foods are often high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats. They might be convenient, but they can quickly lead to weight gain. Instead, try to eat whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible.

Here are some practical tips to avoid processed foods during your holiday trip:

Plan and Pack Ahead: Before you leave, take some time to plan your meals and snacks. Pack healthy options like fruits, nuts, whole grain crackers, and homemade sandwiches. This not only helps you avoid processed foods but also saves you money, as airport and plane snacks can be expensive.

Eat Before You Travel: If possible, have a nutritious meal at home before heading to the airport. This can prevent you from succumbing to the temptation of fast food or snacks during your journey.

Consider Travel Duration: Think about how long you’ll be traveling and plan accordingly. Pack enough snacks to last you through the journey, including any layovers or delays.

Pack Snacks for Emergencies: Pack a few extra snacks just in case you can’t find healthy options upon landing or during your journey. This ensures you always have a nutritious choice available.

7. Don’t Forget That Beverages Count

girls enjoying Beverages

It’s easy to overlook the calories in your drinks, but they can add up fast. Alcoholic beverages, sugary cocktails, and even fruit juices can pack a caloric punch.

Opt for water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water with a splash of lime. If you do indulge in an alcoholic drink, try to limit it to one and choose options with fewer calories, like a glass of wine or a light beer.

Enjoy your vacation without worrying about your weight. With these simple tips, you can relax, have fun, and stay healthy. Remember, it’s all about balance and making mindful choices. Happy travels!

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