Most Effective Standing Ab Workout for Women

I understand the challenges women face when it comes to achieving a toned and strong core. Belly fat is often stubborn and can be frustrating to deal with. Many women struggle with finding effective exercises that fit into their busy schedules. 

Standing abs workouts are a great solution. They can be done anywhere, require no equipment, and are easier on the back and neck compared to traditional floor exercises. These workouts not only target your abs but also improve your balance and posture.

On top of that, standing abs exercises can help you get results faster than traditional abs exercises like- Floor Crunches.

What Are the Key Benefits of Standing Abs Workouts?

standing abs workout

Standing ab workout is my all time favorite workout because it’s extremely effective and offers many benefits. They are easy to incorporate into your routine. You don’t need any special equipment, just your body.

These workouts are great for improving balance and coordination. Standing exercises engage more muscles, giving you a full-body workout. They are also gentler on your neck and back compared to traditional exercises.

Standing abs exercises help burn more calories. You are constantly moving, which boosts your metabolism. This makes them effective for reducing belly fat.

These workouts are versatile. You can do them at home, in the gym, or even outdoors. They fit perfectly into a busy lifestyle.

Incorporating standing abs workouts can lead to better posture. As you strengthen your core, you support your spine more effectively. This reduces the risk of back pain and improves your overall posture.

Some Pro Tips Before You Get Started

warmup exercise

Before you start your standing abs workout, here are some crucial tips to ensure you get the most out of your routine:

Warm Up First: Always start with a warm-up to get your blood flowing and muscles ready. A 5-10 minute warm-up of light cardio, like jogging in place or jumping jacks, is perfect.

Incorporate With Other Workouts: Combine your standing abs exercises with other workouts for a balanced routine. Mix in strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises to target different muscle groups.

Mind Your Diet: A healthy diet complements your workout. Focus on whole foods, lean proteins, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Stay hydrated and avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.

Do each exercise until you feel the burn. This will help you get quick results.

The 7 Best Standing Abs Workout For Women:

Ready to try these workouts to burn belly fat like crazy? Alright let’s get started:

1. Side Reach: Best Standing abs Workout for Beginners

Sets & Reps: Perform 10-15 reps on each side, 3 Sets

The Side Reach is an effective exercise for burning belly fat fast. It’s also a beginners friendly exercise. This exercise targets your obliques and helps tone the sides of your waist. This simple move can help trim your midsection and improve your overall core strength.*

Steps to Perform the Side Reach:

side reach 1
side reach 2
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your core engaged and your back straight.
  • Lift your right arm straight up towards the ceiling.
  • Slowly lean to your left, reaching your right arm over your head. Feel the stretch along your right side.
  • Bring your arm back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side by raising your left arm and leaning to the right.

2. Dumbbell Side Dips: Standing Abs Workout With Dumbbells

Sets & Reps: Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps on each side.

This is another beginners friendly ab workout. Dumbbell side dip is an excellent exercise for targeting the obliques and reducing belly fat. It’s great for adding intensity to your workout. It helps sculpt your waistline and build a stronger core.

How to perform:

side dip 1
side dip 2
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Keep your left hand on your hip.
  • Dip to the Side: Slowly lower the dumbbell by bending to your right side. Go as far as comfortable without straining.
  • Return to Center: Return to the starting position, using your obliques to lift yourself back up.
  • Switch Sides: Repeat the movement on the left side, holding the dumbbell in your left hand.

3. High Knee Lift:

Sets & Reps: Perform for 30-60 seconds, aiming for 3 sets.

The High Knee Lift is an excellent cardio exercise that targets your abs, quads, glutes, obliques and transversus abdominis. It helps burn calories and tones your core while improving cardiovascular fitness.

Steps to Perform High Knee Lift

High Knees 1
High Knees 2
  • Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms at your sides.
  • Lift your right knee up towards your chest as high as possible.
  • Quickly lower your right knee and lift your left knee towards your chest.
  • As you lift your knees, pump your arms to help maintain balance and intensity.

4. Dumbbell Squats:

Sets & Reps: Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Dumbbell Squats are a powerful exercise that targets your abs, legs, and glutes. They help in building core strength and burning belly fat while toning your lower body.

Steps to Perform Dumbbell Squats:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides.
  • Bend your knees and push your hips back as if you’re sitting in a chair. Lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Ensure your knees don’t go past your toes. Keep the weight on your heels.
  • Push through your heels to stand back up to the starting position.

6. Standing Bicycle Crunch

Sets & Reps: Perform 3 sets of 15-20 reps on each side

The Standing Bicycle Crunch is great for targeting external obliques, hip flexors and burning belly fat. It adds a dynamic twist to your standing abs workout, helping you achieve a toned and strong core.

Steps to Perform Standing Bicycle Crunch:

standing bicycle crunch 1
standing bicycle crunch 2
  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the sides.
  • Lift your right knee up towards your chest while twisting your torso to bring your left elbow towards your right knee.
  • Lower your right leg and return to the starting position. Then, lift your left knee and twist your torso to bring your right elbow towards your left knee.
  • Continue alternating sides in a controlled, fluid motion.

7. Single-leg Deadlift: Standing Abs Workout with Weights

Sets & Reps: Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps on each leg.

The Single-Leg Deadlift is a challenging exercise that targets your hamstrings, glutes, and core. So, I don’t recommend it for the beginners. However, you can try it once you get used to the above exercises.

It helps improve balance, stability, and posture while strengthening your lower body and abs.

Steps to Perform Single Leg Deadlift

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands. Shift your weight onto your left leg.
  • Slowly hinge forward at the hips while simultaneously lifting your right leg straight behind you. Keep your back flat and your right leg and torso in line.
  • Lower the dumbbells towards the ground as you hinge forward. Keep your left arm extended and parallel to the ground.
  • Keep your left knee slightly bent and your right leg extended straight behind you. Focus on balancing on your left leg throughout the movement.
  • Slowly reverse the movement and return to the starting position while maintaining control. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings as you stand tall.
  • Repeat the movement on the opposite side, shifting your weight onto your right leg and lifting your left leg behind you.
Standing Ab Workout for Women

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